As Adopted August 16, 1994, and Revised 2007, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024
The name of this organization shall be the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to as the "Executive Committee."
1.02 Membership.
Statutory Members. As provided by the Election Code of the State of Texas ("the Texas Election Code"), the Executive Committee of a political party (Republican) that conducts a Primary Election shall be comprised of the Republican County Chairman and the Republican Precinct Chairmen elected to a two year term, beginning twenty (20) days after the date scheduled for the second (runoff) primary or other date specified by the Election Code, by those voting in the Johnson County Republican Party Primary and any County Chairman or Precinct Chairmen appointed to fill vacancies in accordance with Article 3.06 of these By-Laws.
1.03 Eligibility.
All Statutory Voting Members of the Executive Committee shall meet the requirements of the Texas Election Code regarding political-party affiliation (shall have voted in the most recent Republican Party Primary or otherwise qualified) and shall reside in the Precinct in the case of Precinct Chairman or the County in the case of County Chairman. All Statutory Voting Members of the Executive Committee shall annually attend no less than six (6) Regular Business Meetings and not be absent for four (4) consecutive Regular Business Meetings, in accordance with Article 3.02.
All Party Officers, as defined in Article Four, shall reside in the County and shall have affiliated with the Republican Party of Texas for the current biennium by voting in the Republican Party Primary or taking an Oath of Affiliation with the Republican Party.
2.01 Purpose.
The Executive Committee shall exercise those powers conferred upon it by the Texas Election Code and these By-Laws and perform all duties necessary to promote the best interest of the Republican Party of Texas in Johnson County.
2.02 Objectives.
The objectives of the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee shall be:
(a) to establish general operating policies and conduct the business of the Johnson County Republican Party as required by the Texas Election Code and the Republican Party of Texas;
(b) to support the objectives, policies and platforms of the Republican National and State Committees and work for the election of all Republican Party nominees who support the objectives and policies and platforms of the Republican national and state committees;
(c) to cooperate in carrying out programs initiated by the Republican Party of Texas, including, but not limited to, conducting a Republican Primary Election;
(d) to facilitate cooperation and active participation among Republicans, and others who support Republican candidates and ideals, and to promote the growth of the Republican Party in Johnson County;
(e) to recruit and provide the assistance needed to elect qualified Republican candidates to Precinct, County and District offices; and
(f) to develop a broad based, effective Republican Party organization in Johnson County which will engage in activities that serve to promote a positive image of Republicans and the Republican Party.
3.01 Statutory Meetings.
Meetings required by the Texas Election Code shall convene at the time and place provided by the Code, and any required statutory notices thereof, to conduct such business as may properly arise.
3.02 Regular Business Meetings.
Regular Business Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held monthly for a minimum of ten (10) months per calendar year as scheduled by the County Chairman with approval of the Executive Committee. Notice of the time and place of Regular Business Meetings shall be postmarked or communicated by electronic mail at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting date. The notice shall include the detailed agenda for the meeting and copies of any proposed resolutions.
3.03 Special and Emergency Meetings.
Special Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at any time upon a written call issued by the County Chairman or a written petition signed by at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the Statutory Members of the Executive Committee in office at the time of signing the call. Special Meetings shall be postmarked or communicated by electronic mail at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date. The notice shall include the detailed agenda for the meeting.
The written petition must be delivered to the Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the specified meeting date. The petition and the notice thereof must contain the time and place of the Special Meeting and include the detailed agenda for the meeting and copies of any proposed resolutions.
In the case of a stated emergency called by the County Chairman or a written petition signed by at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the Statutory Members of the Executive Committee in office at the time of signing the call, the notice shall be postmarked or communicated by electronic mail at least three (3) days prior to the meeting date and shall include the detailed agenda of the meeting.
3.04 Quorum.
At all Regular, Special and Emergency meetings, there shall be a quorum of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Executive Committee in office and entitled to vote on the matters before the meeting.
3.05 Voting.
Only those members of the Executive Committee who are present and entitled to vote upon the issue before the meeting shall have the right to vote. A majority of those members of the Executive Committee, a quorum being present, shall determine the approval of appointed Officers. The Republican Elected Officials representing any part of Johnson County have the right to engage in debate but are not entitled to make motions or to vote.
3.06 Vacancies.
To fill a vacancy in the office of County Chairman or Precinct Chairman, a majority of the voting membership must participate in the election at any Regular Business Meeting or at a Special Meeting. In the case of a Precinct Chairman, requests for appointment, with VUID, shall be submitted to the Secretary for Party affiliation verification for the current biennium. Nominee approval by the County Chairman is not necessary prior to the election by the Executive Committee. Nominations from the floor shall always be in order.
4.01 Officers.
The Officers of the Executive Committee shall be the County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms. Assistant Officers, as may be necessary, shall be ratified by the Executive Committee at the next meeting with notice of appointment in the call to the meeting.
4.02 County Chairman.
The County Chairman shall be the presiding officer and official spokesperson for the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee. The County Chairman shall provide leadership and management for the local organization and recruit people to fill key positions in the organization. The County Chairman shall conduct primaries, precinct conventions and county/senatorial district conventions in even numbered years, keep election records and take steps to insure secret balloting and honest elections. The County Chairman, along with the full Executive Committee, shall assist Republican Candidates in the planning and execution of campaigns and shall maintain working relationships with all elected Republicans. The County Chairman is to be an ex-officio member of all committees and a member of the Texas Republican County Chairmen's Association, with any dues and associated expenses payable by the Executive Committee.
4.03 County Vice Chairman.
The County Vice Chairman shall be appointed by the County Chairman upon adoption of these By-Laws by the Executive Committee. The Vice Chairman shall be a Precinct Chairman and shall be an official spokesperson for the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee, in the absence of the County Chairman. He/she shall provide leadership and management for the local organization and recruit people to fill key positions in the organization.
4.04 Precinct Chairman.
The Precinct Chairman is a Statutory Member of the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee. Each Precinct Chairman is responsible for carrying out the precinct focused programs of the Republican National, State and County Executive Committees. The Precinct Chairman will attend all meetings of the County Executive Committee. The duties include helping to elect Republican candidates by conducting political preference surveys in the Precinct, recruiting and directing Precinct volunteers in voter registration and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) programs, introducing candidates to residents of the Precinct, and distribution of literature, yard signs and other campaign activities. The Precinct Chairman is responsible for conducting the Republican Primary Elections and Republican Precinct Conventions. The Precinct Chairman shall assist the County Chairman in all duties assigned by the County Chairman.
4.05 Secretary.
A Secretary shall be appointed by the County Chairman, and ratified by the Executive Committee, at the first Statutory Meeting of each newly elected Executive Committee. The Secretary shall maintain a permanent file containing minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee which shall include a roster of those members in attendance and made available upon request to any Executive Committee member. The Secretary shall ensure that a complete and current roll of all members of the Executive Committee is maintained, and that each member receives proper notice of meetings. The Secretary shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee in the event of a vacancy in the office of the County Chairman and, in addition to the County Chairman, shall be authorized to receive applications for a place on the primary ballot, in accordance with Texas Election Code 172.22(a)(2).
If the Secretary fails to attend a meeting, the first order of business shall be to appoint a temporary Secretary to perform the duties of the Secretary for that meeting. The Secretary may be a member of the Executive Committee or any other person who resides in Johnson County and has affiliated with the Republican Party of Texas for the current biennium.
4.06 Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall be appointed by the County Chairman and ratified by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the organization and shall be responsible for keeping systematic records for complying with any applicable state and federal statutes with regard to reporting contributions and expenditures. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the filing of such reports as required. The Treasurer shall collect funds for deposit in bank accounts approved by the Executive Committee and pay bills or disburse funds by check in accordance with policies of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer will make detailed written reports of receipts and disbursements to be presented at regular business meetings of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall ensure that accurate and complete financial contributor records, listing name, address, amount given, and the date of contributions are maintained. The Treasurer's books and records shall be open to members of the Executive Committee and there shall be an annual audit conducted by an audit committee of three (3) persons appointed by the Executive Committee. The report of the audit committee shall be made to the Executive Committee at its February meeting or as soon thereafter as possible.
4.07 Parliamentarian.
A Parliamentarian may be appointed by the County Chairman, with ratification by the Executive Committee. The Parliamentarian shall keep order at all meetings and ensure that the meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, with a physical copy of Robert’s Rules of Order available to all members upon request.
Eligibility and Term of Office.
Each Officer who is not also a Statutory Member of the Executive Committee must meet the requirements of Article l.03 of these By-Laws.
The term of office for the Officers of the Executive Committee shall be concurrent with that of the Executive Committee.
4.09 Confirmation and Removal of Officers.
As provided, the County Chairman shall appoint the Vice Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and any other Officers. The Executive Committee shall be notified, in writing, of the County Chairman's appointees. The notice of intention to appoint shall contain information about the appointee and be distributed to the Statutory Members of the Executive Committee at least ten (10) days prior to the Special or Regular Business Meeting at which the approval of the appointed Officers will be requested. The appointment and removal of party officers requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Committee. This does not apply to positions of County Chairman or Precinct Chairman. In accordance with Article 3.08, only Statutory Members of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to vote on any motion to confirm or remove appointed Officers.
4.10 Failure to Appoint.
Should the County Chairman fail to appoint the Officers in Article 4.01 above within three months of the beginning of the statutory term of office, or election by the Executive Committee in accordance with Article 3.08, the Executive Committee shall make these appointments.
5.01 Standing Committees.
The standing committees of the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee shall be
Candidate Committee,
Budget & Audit Committee,
Fundraising Committee,
Research Committee,
Volunteer Committee,
Program Committee,
Election Administration Committee, and
Headquarters Committee.
Chairmen of these committees shall be a Precinct Chair, if available, or otherwise a non-Executive Committee member of the JCRP or a community member in good standing, having been involved as a member or voted in the Republican Primary or General in the last biennium, to be nominated by the County Chairman or the Executive Committee, with approval by a majority of the quorum present at the meeting where said nominees are to be voted on and approved by the Executive Committee. The appointment of each chairman shall occur at the next Executive Committee Meeting after adoption of these rules.
Additional committee members are to be appointed by the chair of said committee and subject to the same membership requirements as committee chairs. Non-Executive Committee and community members are to be subject to the same meeting requirements as JCRP Executive Committee members. Each committee may develop procedures for the conduct of its business.
(a) Candidate Committee.
The Candidate Committee shall include the Area Coordinators as voting members of the committee and assist the Johnson County Republican Party in recruiting and vetting qualified candidates for precinct, county and district elected offices and upon nomination by the Primary Election, shall offer assistance in campaign planning and execution.
(b) Budget & Audit Committee.
The Budget & Audit Committee shall assist the Executive Committee in the development of financial plans and budgets for the Johnson County Republican Party and annually audit the work of the Treasurer. The financial plans, budgets, and audit reports shall be submitted for approval by the Executive Committee. The scope of any audit performed is not limited to the previous fiscal year.
(c) Fundraising Committee.
The Fundraising Committee is responsible for developing plans and programs designed to provide adequate funding to meet the needs of the organization. The Fundraising Committee shall plan and be responsible for carrying out approved plans for all fundraising events and activities including, but not limited to, an annual countywide Republican fundraising banquet . Fundraising plans and budgets proposed by the Fundraising Committee will be included in the budgets and plans of the Budget & Audit Committee. No activity shall bear the name or logo of Johnson County Republican Party (including JCRP) without simple majority vote approval of the Executive Committee during an Executive Committee meeting.
(d) Headquarters Committee.
The Headquarters Committee shall assist the Executive Committee in maintaining the Johnson County Republican Party HQ, located at 210 South Main Street, Cleburne, and any other permanent or temporary facilities used by the Party. The Headquarters Committee will be responsible for the management of the JCRP phone(s) and access management of the HQ (building access codes and/or keys). Headquarters plans and budgets proposed by the Headquarters Committee will be included in the budgets and plans of the Budget & Audit Committee. All expenditures must be approved by simple majority vote of the Executive Committee during an Executive Committee meeting.
(e) Research Committee
The Research Committee will research county, city, school, and other local municipal elections, including bond/MUD elections, and maintain a list of upcoming elections. The Research Committee shall conduct interviews of candidates and may compile impact studies as appropriate; and when feasible, provide statistical data and info-graphs to share with voters. The Research Committee shall attend city, school, and county board meetings and report back on relevant issues to the Executive Committee. The Research Committee is responsible for packaging such information in a timely manner before an election and submitting it to the approved webmaster for posting on the JCRP website and apps.
(f) Volunteer Committee
The Volunteer Committee will manage the identification and processing of incoming volunteers, including interviews and training, using materials approved by the County Elections Office for elections-related training. Volunteers may include but are not limited to, individuals who wish to serve as Election Judges, Clerks, and Poll Workers. Volunteers of the Johnson County Republican Party will be managed and organized by the JCRP Volunteer Committee (in coordination with the Precinct Chairman of the precinct in which the volunteer resides), and not through other Auxiliary Clubs. The Volunteer Committee will develop and maintain volunteer contact data management and tools. The Volunteer Committee will be responsible for developing plans and programs for volunteer activities, including, but not limited to, block-walking, voter registration drives, and phone bank calls. The Volunteer Committee will be responsible for block-walking materials, such as election information, t-shirts, and maps.
(g) Programs Committee
The Programs Committee shall develop a program of interest for each Regular Business Meeting as defined by Article 3.02 and be entitled to advertise said speakers in a manner approved by the Executive Committee. The Programs Committee shall coordinate non-fundraising events such as festivals, community roundtables, debates, and forums. No activity shall bear the name or logo of Johnson County Republican Party (including JCRP) without simple majority vote approval of the Executive Committee during an Executive Committee meeting.
(h) Election Administration Committee
The Election Administration Committee shall maintain the voter rolls and shall perform a voter roll clean-up every two (2) term years through a contracted party approved by the Executive Committee. The Committee shall also assist the County Chair with statutory election administration.
5.02 Special Committees.
The Executive Committee may appoint such special purpose or temporary committees and subcommittees as necessary to assist in carrying out the objectives of the Executive Committee, such as a Rules Committee and a Resolutions Committee.
5.03 Eligibility.
The Committee Chairmen and committee members of any committee shall meet the requirements for Party affiliation. The County Chairman, the Vice Chairman, or an appointed representative by the Executive Committee, may serve as an ex-officio member of any committee, with voting rights in committee matters.
6.01 Area Coordinators.
At the next Regular Executive Committee Meeting following the adoption of these By-Laws, there shall be a caucus of the Precinct Chairmen in each Commissioner Court Precinct for the purpose of electing an Area Coordinator. Each Area Coordinator must be a member of the Executive Committee in accordance with Article 1.02 and meet the requirements of eligibility in accordance with Article 1.03 of these By-Laws.
The Secretary shall notify the appropriate Precinct Chairmen in advance of the meeting of its time, place, and purpose. In the case of a vacancy in the office of an Area Coordinator, an election shall be made in the same manner.
The persons serving as Area Coordinators will assist their Precinct Chairmen in carrying out the duties of Precinct Chairmen. The Area Coordinator will conduct at least one (1) training meeting of the Commissioner Precinct caucus annually. The Area Coordinator and their Precinct Chairmen, with the advice of the Candidate Committee, shall recruit and recommend appointments to fill any vacancies in the office of Precinct Chairman within the County Commissioner Precinct. Insofar as possible, while any vacant Precinct Chairman remains unfilled, the Area Coordinator will make every effort to carry out the principal duties of Precinct Chairman in such precinct(s).
6.02 Republican Auxiliaries.
The Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee shall recognize, encourage, and support those organizations authorized by the National and State Republican Party as auxiliary organizations. The Executive Committee shall sponsor and encourage the formation of auxiliaries, such as the Teenage, College, and Young Republican organizations and Republican Men's and Women's Clubs, and shall designate a liaison to assist in the coordination of common or shared activities. It shall not be necessary for any group seeking auxiliary status with the Johnson County Republican Party to seek or receive permission from the County Chairman before being approved as an auxiliary by the Executive Committee.
6.03 Webmaster and Social Media Coordinators.
The Executive Committee shall appoint at least two (2) persons and the County Chairman to be Coordinators to manage the JCRP website(s), social media platform(s), and any online Apps or Forms. These Coordinators should have the necessary qualifications to manage such platforms and provide such qualifications in writing for consideration by the Executive Committee. These Coordinators shall develop plans and procedures for the conduct of its business.
This section shall apply to any property and assets owned by the JCRP. It specifically applies to the JCRP "headquarters building" [HQ] or any real property subsequently obtained by or donated to the JCRP, including, but not limited to, the JCRP phones, printers, computers, AV equipment, cameras, websites, apps, and other tools owned by or donated to the Party.
For each current biennium, the Executive Committee shall approve any person/group requesting building and equipment usage before placing them on the list of "approved building users." The Executive Committee may, from time to time, review such list for amendments during the current biennium.
The Johnson County Republican Women are exempt from rental fees for their regular or scheduled meetings, coordinated with the JCRP.
The Executive Committee members shall have access to the HQ Building at any time to conduct JCRP business, as long as a properly scheduled event is not already planned or in progress.
Building access code and/or keys to the building and the JCRP phone(s) will be maintained by the Headquarters Committee. Access to the building will be changed or updated after every new term (2 years), or as needed.
No real property belonging to the JCRP will be sold or donated without a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee.
8.01 Unauthorized Expenses.
No person, including any County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Precinct Chairman, Party Officer, or committee member, shall incur, or obligate the Executive Committee to pay for, any expense, regardless of the amount of money involved, without majority approval of a quorum of the Executive Committee at a properly called meeting.
Any person who does so shall be personally liable for fulfilling the terms of said agreement and for any expense(s) incidental to said agreement. The Executive Committee, at its discretion, may choose to fulfill the terms of said agreement or reimburse the person who incurred said expense(s) incidental to said agreement, but is in no way obligated to do so.
Any person, excluding the County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Precinct Chairman, or committee member who does so shall be presumed to have resigned his or her office or position, and his or her vacant office or position shall be filled in a manner consistent with these By-Laws with a person other than the one who was presumed to have resigned.
Contributions shall not be made to organizations on behalf of JCRP without majority approval of a quorum of the Executive Committee at a properly called meeting and membership to an organization shall not be entered into on behalf of JCRP without majority approval of a quorum of the Executive Committee at a properly called meeting.
8.02 Unauthorized Contractual Obligations.
No person, including the County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Precinct Chairman, Party Officer or committee member, shall obligate the Executive Committee to a contractual agreement, regardless of the amount of money involved, without majority approval of a quorum of the Executive Committee at a properly called meeting.
Any person who does so shall be personally liable for fulfilling the terms of said agreement and for any expense(s) incidental to said agreement. The Executive Committee, at its discretion, may choose to fulfill the terms of said agreement, or reimburse the person who incurred said expenses(s) incidental to said agreement, but is in no way obligated to do so.
(b) Any person, excluding the County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Precinct Chairman, or committee member who does so, shall be presumed to have resigned his or her office or position, and his or her vacant office or position shall be filled in a manner consistent with these By-Laws with a person other than the one who was presumed to have resigned.
9.01 Amendment Procedure.
These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Executive Committee present at a properly called Regular or Special Meeting of the Executive Committee, provided that, in accordance with Article Three, there is quorum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the members present, that proper notice has been given in accordance with Article Three, and that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) has been distributed at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which they will be considered.
By-Laws of the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee 06/24/2024
By-Laws of the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee 07/05/2022